Thursday, July 21, 2016

A Social Stories Intervention on Playing Games and on the Social Skills

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which is a neurobiological disorder, have features that are apparent in early childhood. The most obvious feature of ASD is difficulty with social interactions (cf. Kuoch & Mirenda, 2003).
On one side of the spectrum are children who wish to be alone and avoid other people; on the other side are those who wish to communicate with others but do not know how to initiate and maintain communication, and thus, their communication is usually inappropriate.

More specifically, individuals with ASD have difficulty using and understanding eye contact, facial expressions, body language, and different tones of voice when communicating with others (Baron-Cohen, 2008; Kuoch & Mirenda, 2003). In addition, studies have reported that the children with ASD cannot interpret the thoughts and feelings of others, or predict social events; they have difficulties initiating interactions, responding to others, and maintaining conversation; they show deficits in listening and responding to others’ requests, and in cooperating in games and other activities; furthermore, some social signs, such as smiles, may be nonsensical to them (e.g., Carter, Ornstein-Davis, Klin, & Volkmar, 2005; Jahr, Eikeseth, Eldevik, & Aase, 2007; Lord & Magill-Evans, 1995; Sansosti & Powell-Smith, 2008).
Many different intervention methods and programs have been created and used throughout the world. Such methods include the Floortime approach, relationship development interventions, the Son-Rise picture exchange communication system program, the Lovaas program, the Miller Method, verbal behavior interventions, pivotal response training, play and play therapy, music therapy, sensory integration therapy, and social stories (Westwood, 2009).
However, most of these methods focus on cognitive training and communication with the environment, and none focus directly on social skills. For this reason, an alternative method to improve the social skills of children with ASD is needed.
One alternative method used to teach social skills to children with ASD is the social stories method, which was created by Gray (1995, 1998) to address the social difficulties of children with autism.
Autism social stories are a tool or strategy used to establish replacement social skills for both children and adults with autism. Though they do not necessarily fix the problem. An autism social story gives a person information about social situations they find difficult or confusing. They are a strength-based teaching strategy, which builds on natural skills and behaviors.
In order to increas social comprehension and game playing skills in school aged children with autism using social stories, here is a proposal:

Posted by Kids Are Special in TEACHERS and AUTISM
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Unknown said...

Thank you for this wonderful post. It seems like an excellent approach to helping kids with autism. The school that my son currently studies in also follows theDIR model, which is a brilliant way for the kids to learn.

Barnett Don said...

A very informative write-up. I really love reading your blog. My son currently goes to a special education school in New York after we found out about his ASD last year. Things have slowly gotten better and the school has been very supportive, as it plays a very important role in helping children with special needs.