Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to Explain Santa Claus to Small Children Without Lying

 Santa Claus is considered a myth or fairy tale made up by adults to keep their children in line. The idea that Santa Claus can see them and know whether they are good or bad, help parents enforce good behavior especially around the Christmas season. Explaining Santa Claus to a child is easy if you know what to tell them.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Little schoolgirl signs the songs so her deaf parents can understand the lyrics

 Rania Chiourea

The cutest carol concert ever: Little schoolgirl SIGNS as kindergarten class sings so her deaf parents can enjoy the show too!

What an awesome message to send the world this Christmas! No matter what language we speak, it is possible to communicate with each other IF we listen closely enough and with an open heart.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fathers and Children at Christmas

By Michael Ray King

Every year you hear it: Someone says "I can't believe they are putting up Christmas trees already." You look around and you know it's too early. But is it? What if you purchased your Christmas gifts BEFORE Halloween? What if you wrapped them, tucked them away in the closet, and focused yourself and your children on what Christmas is supposed to mean rather than all the greed-mongering that goes on these days? What an opportunity!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bacterium Reverses Autism-Like Behavior in Mice

Findings support idea that gut micro biome has a role

Doses of a human gut microbe helped to reverse behavioral problems in mice with autism-like symptoms, researchers report today in Cell. The treatment also reduced gastrointestinal problems in the animals that were similar to those that often accompany autism in humans.

The work builds on previous research by Paul Patterson, a neurobiologist at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena. In 2012, he and his team created mice with autism-like symptoms by injecting a chemical that mimics viral infection into pregnant mice; those animals then bore offspring that were less sociable and more anxious than wild-type animals. The autistic mice also had 'leaky guts', in which the walls of the intestine break down and allow substances to leak through. Several studies have found that humans with autism are also more likely to have gastrointestinal disorders, suggesting that the two problems may be linked.